Power Your Business With Data

Leverage real-time mobile audience data to boost your business.
Precision data without the effort
Convenient and timely delivery
Dedicated account manager
We’re partners,
not just providers

Extensive Reach Across The World


real-time data signals


data sources


data records


monthly active users


years in the market

Use Cases Include...


  • Advertising
  • Remarketing
  • Audience attribution
  • Fraud prevention
  • Audience algorithm/models



  • Footfall to any location
  • Market share
  • Customer journey

Real Estate

  • Crowding
  • Customer journey
  • Origin-destination
  • Site selection
  • Urban planning


  • Footfall
  • Attribution
  • Campaign planning

And More!

Ready To Unlock The Power Of Data?

Uncover Hidden Opportunities

We help our clients to oncover the power of online advertising data when try to understand user browsing patters.

Real-Time Precision

Advanced algorithms ensure that you receive up-to-the-minute data, allowing you to react swiftly to changing market dynamics.

Comprehensive Coverage

Redmob sources data from diverse channels and in untapped markets such as North America, Africa, APAC, Middle-East and LATAM.

Unprecedented Scale

We effortlessly handle massive volumes of data, giving you access to a wealth of insights that were previously out of reach.

Quality Filters

We strive for quality. This is why we provide quality filters which can be applied instantly to the data feed so you would avoid white noise.

Custom Data Filters

We will personalise the data feed to meet your business needs.

Truly global reach

1.3B+ unique devices globally with 20+ data attributes.

Always growing

We continuously seek to scale our data feed based on the client needs.

Quality Assurance

GPS Location

User level GPS location data.

Truncated IPs

Remove any truncated IPs if they don’t bring value to you.

High Avertising Frequency

Get user events only once.

High MAID Count Filters

Remove applications that generate users based on sessions.

Custom Filters

Go through the trial period, share your business needs and we will build the data feed you desire.

Available Data

  • Mobile Advertising ID
  • User Agent
  • IP Address
  • Gender & Age
  • Carrier, connection type
  • Location type
  • App bundle
  • Device type, model, maker
  • Operating system, version
  • Hardware version
  • Lat/Lon, location accuracy
  • Country
  • Browser language
  • ...

Trusted By Top Brands

Redmob is a valued partner of ours. We are extremely satisfied with their proficiency, service and quality. They are always ready to answer any questions and provide top-notch support where required. They have an excellent and driven team, when issues occur they are always there to solve them. Most importantly, Redmob has become a strategic partner of us in navigating the industry, finding new solutions and collaborating on mutually beneficial ventures. I am confident that whoever will work with them will be very satisfied
Business Development Manager of a Global Data Enrichment Provider
Nemanja Avramovic
Business Development Manager at Froyoo

Talk To Our Sales Team

Gabrielė Vileikytė
Eglė Norkutė


Do you offer historical data? 
No, we specialize in real-time data feeds without a lookback window into the past.
How does the data transfer process look like? 
Your data will be securely transferred to your chosen cloud bucket (e.g., AWS, GCP).
What requirements do I need to provide to get the data? 
You'll need to provide your bucket and its name, along with access and secret keys.
How to get started?
Connect with us via the "Contact Us" section or directly contact our sales team. They'll arrange the first introductory call. Post that call, you'll receive an initial offer for a 7-day free trial. Afterward, we'll discuss updating the data feed. Following the trial, we'll present the final offer.
Do you offer data in the EU? 
Unfortunately, we do not provide data from the EU. However, let’s connect to better understand your business needs. 
Can I adjust the data feed? 
Absolutely! Post-trial, we can implement standard quality filters or create a tailored filter based on your specific needs if you proceed with the full contract.
What types of data do you provide?
We offer raw mobile advertising data collected from various sources. The data includes Location Data (MAID with location, connection, operator, etc.), App Data (app bundle ID, IAB category, etc.), Telecom data (mobile network code), and Device Manufacturer Data (brand, model, etc.).
Where can I find the available data schema?
Please reach out to our data consultants via this form. They will be happy to share the data schema and schedule an introductory call, if needed.
Can I test your data before committing?
Absolutely, you can take advantage of our 7-day trial, which allows you to access data for up to 5 countries of your choice. This trial period enables you to evaluate the value our data can bring to your business. Custom trial options are available upon request.
How up-to-date is the data?
Our data is continuously updated in real-time, with updates occurring every 15 minutes to ensure you have the most current information.

Contact Us

Have questions and want to find out more? Let's talk!