Privacy Policy


Redmob (“Redmob” or “we”), is a global provider of digital advertising and data management technology. In our activities we are committed to protecting privacy of individuals (“users”, “you”) and their personal information, therefore we adopted this Privacy Policy (“the Policy”), which is a clear set of rules and provisions we follow in ensuring your personal information is safe and used in strictly in accordance with the applicable laws, such as General Data Protection Regulation EC 2016/679 (GDPR), CCPA, and other applicable guidelines.

We provide services (“the Services”) which help our Clients deliver relevant marketing and advertising campaigns, reach their audience in an effective way, and analyse and build business models that will allow to provide a better Internet experience to users by getting access to the content that is most relevant to them.

In providing Services to the clients we cooperate with our international partners and such partnerships allow us to implement the highest level of adherence to international best practices of protection of personal data.

This Policy describes what personal information is collected, how we collect it, what we do with that information, and what controls you have over that information in relation to its use for provision of Services.

Personal Data We Collect and Use

Redmob collects certain categories of personal data for the provision of Services, but does not collect directly identifiable data such as your name, home address, phone number, personal ID number, unless you choose to provide such data directly to Redmob in relation to special request, inquiry, claim, etc. Instead, Redmob collects certain personal data related to your computer or device using cookies and other similar technologies.

Redmob collects data in order to provide the Services and for other specific purposes as described in this Privacy Policy. The Services contain only the information required for its intended use. Redmob’s Services are designed for a specific use by our clients that have a legitimate need for the service.

When providing the Services, or receiving data from other data providers Redmob may collect and use the following:

  • device information
  • imprecise location
  • browser type
  • operating system
  • browser language
  • internet service provider
  • time you visited the site
  • the page URL
  • your IP addresses
  • data regarding your activities on the website, app or other digital content source
  • other client data, such as user segmentation made by the client.

We may also receive personal data from third-party partners related to the audience segments and other personal information that allows them and/or us to associate Redmob data with those partners’ identifiers.

Sources of Data

Redmob uses various technologies to recognize browsers and devices and collect the categories of personal data as described above.

The types of technologies used are cookies, device IDs and pixels. Cookies allow us to identify the device or browser. Device ID identifies every individual smartphone or tablet in the world. It is stored on the mobile device and can be retrieved by any app that is downloaded and installed. Pixels allow us, our clients, and partners to understand how users interact with their websites, apps and other resources of digital content.

In the scope as described above, we receive personal data from third parties such as our clients and partners, including ad exchanges, publishers (digital content providers), supply-side platforms, and audience data partners. We process all this personal data for the purpose of providing the Services.

Purpose for Data Use

The basic and most important purpose for use of your personal information is provision of Services.

The data is also used for:

  • Enable and optimise the Services’ tools and features,
  • Measure the Services’ activity for pricing, efficacy, accuracy and other purposes,
  • Maintain, improve and develop the Services,
  • Ensure internal quality control and identify and repair any errors or bugs,
  • Pursue our legitimate interests (e.g., direct marketing (including profiling), research (including marketing research), network and information security, and fraud prevention), and/or
  • Carry out activities per the instructions of our Clients.

Redmob as a digital technology company also processes the relevant data to create new products and services for its clients.

Sharing, Sale and Disclosure of the Data

Redmob may sell personal information it has collected to our Clients and others, including ad tech partners, for their business and commercial purposes.  More specifically, Redmob licences personal information to third parties for the purpose of enabling and improving their marketing and advertising campaigns from identifying potentially interested consumers to measuring the effectiveness of the marketing and advertising campaigns.  We also licence personal information for the purpose of identity resolution services (i.e., connecting related data) and marketing analytics, including the creation of predictive models through human and computerised analytics. .

Redmob may disclose personal information to service providers and contractors (e.g., cloud computing and storage vendors; security contractors, and consultants), for Redmob’s own operational business purposes.

We may share personal information with our affiliates.

We may access, preserve, and disclose your personal information, other account information, and content if we believe doing so is required or appropriate to: comply with law enforcement or national security requests and legal process, such as a court order or subpoena; respond to your requests; protect your, our or others’ rights, property, or safety; to enforce our policies or contracts; to collect amounts owed to us; when we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial loss or in connection with an investigation or prosecution of suspected or actual illegal activity; or if we, in good faith, believe that disclosure is otherwise necessary or advisable. In addition, from time to time, server logs and other records may be reviewed for security purposes to detect unauthorised activity, illegal activity or fraud. In such cases, personal information may be shared with law enforcement bodies in order that they may identify users in connection with their investigation of unauthorised activities.


We have appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and help prevent unauthorised access and maintain data security of, and to use correctly, the information we collect. These safeguards vary based on the sensitivity of the information that we collect and store. We have implemented procedures designed to limit the dissemination of your information to only such designated staff as are reasonably necessary to carry out the stated purposes as described in this Policy.We make all reasonable efforts to ensure that any information we possess is accurate, complete, current, and reliable for its intended use.


We will retain your data only for as long as it is necessary for the purposes it has been collected. We will cease to retain such Personal Data, or remove the means by which the Personal Data can be associated with you, when it is no longer necessary for the purposes it has been collected or permitted to be used or Processed.

We may need to retain certain personal information to enforce our terms, for fraud prevention, to identify, issue or resolve legal claims and/or for proper record keeping purposes. We may also retain a record of any stated objection by you of processing your personal information for the purpose of ensuring we can continue to respect your wishes.

All retained information will remain subject to the terms of this Policy. If you request that your data be removed from our databases, it may not be possible to completely delete all your information due to technological and legal constraints.

Your rights

According to the applicable laws you may have certain rights with respect to your personal data that we may possess. Redmob ensures that your rights related to your personal information are always respected. Following the applicable regulations, guidelines and policies you may exercise the following rights as the data subject:

  • Access all the personal information about you held by us. On request, we will provide you with a copy of this information. We reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee taking into account the administrative costs of providing the information or taking the action requested.
  • Correct or erase your personal information where appropriate. Please note, you may review and update certain user profile information by logging in, as applicable, to the relevant portions of the Services where such information may be updated
  • Restrict the processing of your personal information whilst we investigate your concern
  • Where your processing is based on your consent, you have a right to receive your information in a commonly used electronic format or ask we move the data in that format to another provider where your request relates to the data that you gave us direct and where technically possible (data portability); and
  • Withdraw your consent at any time when the processing relies upon consent.

Changes to this Policy

Redmob reserves the right to change this Policy from time to time. Please check this page periodically for changes. Any such changes will only apply to personal information collected after the revised Policy took effect.

Contact us

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or Redmob privacy practices, they may be submitted via email to

This Policy was last modified on 2 October, 2023.