Enhancing Data-Driven Advertising in the Digital Era


Maximizing data efficiency for precision targeting in ad tech.


Enabled traffic verification, data clustering, and advanced analytics.

About Froyoo

Froyoo, an innovative data company, faced the challenge of harnessing vast quantities of data for precise audience targeting and identity resolution. They required a partner to enrich their data with valuable insights, enhancing the efficacy of their advertising campaigns.

As Nemanja Avramovic, Business Development Manager at Froyoo, describes:
We operate in a data-intensive environment. Our challenge was to find a partner who could provide us with high-quality, diverse datasets, crucial for our MENA region operations.
Business Development Manager of a Global Data Enrichment Provider
Nemanja Avramovic
Business Development Manager at Froyoo

Why Redmob?

Redmob stood out for several reasons. Their trial period with raw data analysis allowed Froyoo to assess data quality firsthand. Professional correspondence and strong regional coverage were also decisive factors. The flexibility of Redmob’s data frequency options provided the tailored approach Froyoo sought.

Strategic Partnership And Solution Overview

Froyoo and Redmob collaborated to integrate Redmob’s datasets into Froyoo's Data Management Platform. This integration facilitated traffic verification, data clustering, and advanced analytics, crucial for Froyoo’s adtech solutions.
Without Redmob
With Redmob

Innovative Approach To Data Utilization

Elon Zweig, Head of Product at Froyoo, highlights the significance of MAIDs, geo-location, and IP-based data obtained from Redmob. These datasets have been instrumental in refining Froyoo’s products, notably in geo-based services like Point Of Interest (POI) and Out-of-Home Advertisement solutions.

Data Integrity Alliance

Redmob has implemented a transparent and comprehensible flow for the collection of user consents, demonstrating a proactive approach towards safeguarding user information. Redmob showed efforts in not only ensuring compliance with existing local laws but also in keeping a vigilant eye on evolving privacy regulations.The continuous exchange of insights between us has facilitated a dynamic and responsive strategy, with Redmob consistently sharing valuable feedback on potential markets and emerging privacy regulations, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of data protection and regulatory compliance.

A Story Of Success: Quantitative And Qualitative Achievements

The partnership led to a dramatic reduction in data processing times, enabling near real-time data stream integration. This efficiency boosted Froyoo's product output, especially in the MENA region, enhancing their clients' advertising strategies.
...ensuring data trustworthiness is a paramount challenge. Redmob, as our strategic data provider, plays a pivotal role in addressing this challenge. They furnish us with a reliable and current data solution that substantially enhances the quality and reliability of our data products.
Business Development Manager of a Global Data Enrichment Provider
Elon Zweig
Head of Product at Froyoo

Lessons For The Industry: The Pillars Of A Fruitful Collaboration

The success of the Froyoo-Redmob partnership hinges on clear communication and adaptability. Recognizing and catering to specific data needs, coupled with a commitment to meet these requirements, were key factors in their successful collaboration.

The Redmob Edge: A Comparative Analysis

Compared to other data providers, Redmob’s unique strengths lie in its comprehensive regional coverage, flexibility in data delivery, and commitment to quality and reliability, making it a valuable asset for companies like Froyoo seeking to enhance their data-driven products.

The partnership’s success is not just reflected in improved data processing times and product enhancements. It’s also evident in the increased effectiveness of Froyoo’s clients' advertising campaigns, demonstrating the tangible impact of high-quality, precise data in the ad tech industry.

Froyoo's ongoing collaboration with Redmob reflects a commitment to continuous improvement and innovation in the rapidly evolving field of data-driven advertising. This partnership not only addresses current challenges but also paves the way for future advancements in the industry.

“Our partnership's success was driven by clear communication, allowing us to effectively align our efforts.”

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